Arleta Greer (she/her) PRESIDENT Arleta comes from a strong project management and technical communication background and works as a IT Lead Business Analyst in the headquarters of a multi-national pizza chain. She has been with Free Mom Hugs as a volunteer since early 2019, moving up from hugger to one of three state leaders in Michigan. She joined the National Board of Directors in 2022 and currently serves as President. Arleta spends her time researching and educating herself on the history and issues within the LGBTQ+ community, visiting friends, helping to care for a special young man with Angelman’s Syndrome, and spending time with her wife of seven years. Her gifts include empathy, collaboration, optimism and a desire to spread love and acceptance. Her children both have identified within the community and it was very important when each came out to her that she made them feel supported and affirmed. She served for three years on her church’s Session of Elders and was instrumental in helping update their attitudes and mission statement to be more affirming. Arleta has said, “If someone can hate whole groups of people without even knowing them, then I can love whole groups of people without even knowing them.” And she tries to live by this goal every day.